Friday, May 28, 2010

Animal Planet

Okay Readers I need your help again. I need you to help Justin and me identify this animal. We think a jaguar / raccoon mix skin would be a pretty cool item to hang in the MBA lounge at school--haha. Maybe we shouldn't encourage this kind of hunting, or weird breeding, but if we ended up with the skin we don't want to get arrested for trying to leave the country with an endangered species. 


James said...

stay away from animal skins...they are reservoirs for disease. anthrax, for starters.

2pint said...

I have checked all over the internet trying to figure out what that thing is. It is part hyena, wild dog, and rodent. I would avoid it. It may be a hybrid or endangered species.

CHAD said...

Try Civet (African Civet) or maybe a genet. I'm not sure how threatened it is, but it may be awfully smelly.

Andrzej said...

That's it! African Civet. How did you find it? Smelly? Those are valuable perineal glands. Anyone in need of musk?

2pint said...

Nope not threatened at all. Females can have three litters a year.

James said...

Good find Chad! I was looking all over for that thing too and only thought it was some kind of genet mixed with hyena, but wikipedia didn't have any good links to the civet under the fauna of ghana section.

This is one notorious animal. There are theories that this is the animal that introduced the SARS virus to man. Like i said, reservoir for disease...