Dear Andrew
You must be falling in love with these cute kids. Of course thank the senior missionaries for us, we are so glad they fed you....
.... Love mom.
Hi Mom,
Thanks for the email. I'm doing a couple post on kids today inspired by your comments. To be sure we love the kids and equally I think the kids are enamored by white people. The neighborhood loves us (at least we hope so). Sometimes its weird because little boys, maybe 4 or 5 will run up and grab my arm and start kissing it and hugging me. Sometimes they say master or sir but the lady who works here part of the year has taught them to say uncle or aunt so-and-so, I like that better. You'd wonder where they get it from but a lot of times adult males in the village will call me master. Its really jarring at first and I'm not sure the best way to respond. Whit, the founder/ceo, is constantly reminding employees not to call him sir, but that's not so crazy. Anyway the children are everywhere and they love to wave and watch and they love for you to interact with them. One local crazy girl constantly sneaks into our house so we have to lock the door. They're pretty sharp kids, I worry about their schools though and helping them reach their potential. A couple of girls came with us to Church with us last week. Funny story actually. They are 12 and 13 and they became pretty good friends with the MBA girls while they were here. On Saturday when we said goodbye we said we had to get ready for church tomorrow. They said they wanted to come, we said okay 9:00. Hanging out with american college students at their house is one thing but going to Church for three hours in a dress is another-- we didn't think that was a real appealing option. But 9:00 Sunday morning and there they were in dresses ready to go. We asked their parents to make sure and three hours later they said they wanted to go again. Well, the MBA girls have gone home so I'm not sure what happens from here. Hopefully we can work something out. The girls are great and speak english really well. Well, there are plenty of other "kid" stories that I'll save for later. Hope you like the pictures.

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