Monday, June 21, 2010

Crowded in Ghana?

So is it very crowded in Ghana - urban? or more rural?



I've been wanting to talk about this. Urban or Rural? Another fun part about Ghana, you can slip from city to country in a matter of minutes; from dusty, noisy, chaotic, to green, not really quiet but calm almost soothing, and  orderly in its own way (its still a jungle, just not a concrete one). The two are so different and I've obviously got my preference but here's some pictures so you don't have to take my word for it. 

A bit about population density though. Ghana is pretty open as far as I can tell. I don't have any numbers but it seems there is plenty of land and they are plenty spread out. That's good and bad for them, but mostly good. Bad because they don't have much connectivity with other villages or cities for exchange of goods, services, ideas, etc. Good because they aren't living right on top of each other so they aren't bathing in each others wash water or worse. The cities get pretty dirty, people relieve themselves in storm drains and throw litter where ever they want. But they do that in any big city, fortunately for the time being the dilution of relatively few people and a lot of rain saves Ghanaians cities from the filth found in developing world megacities. In the same way, being spread out means village life is in fact more like camping, happy camping. 

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