Friday, May 21, 2010

Beads and No-See-Ums

Dear Andrew,

Your trip sounds so exciting. I wish I could be there. Please tell me about some of the local artisans and indigenous animals.


your friend.

Dear Friend,

I'm so glad you asked. Just yesterday I went to the bead market and talked with several of the local bead makers. Some were pretty cool. Let me know if you see anything you like I can pick something up for you.

About the indigenous animals, today we had a run in with some. These are called no-see-ums. They liked me.
I counted one arm (the bottom one in this picture)--24. The top probably had just as many.

1 comment:

Eric Hafen said...

Sometimes I wish I was off on some adventure in Africa, but then I look at pictures of your arms which have bites from some weird creature I've never heard of, and I think "Utah County is pretty nice."