Friday, July 2, 2010

The 4H School for the Gifted

I'm open to suggestions. I want to start a agriculture school. I am friends with the president of 4H in Ghana and he has worked out an agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture to take over an under to non-utilized facility right on the Volta. I think we could make it work and it needs it. What I'm hearing is to keep these schools running you need a "rain maker" project. That means a product or service that essentially pays for the rest of the school. We'll do honey harvesting, animal raising, maybe dairy, then other under produced crops, but I think the rain maker would be a grain silo. Corn is big but no one has grain silos so all the corn goes bad and the price skyrockets during that season. We could buy up the corn during the low season and sell it back during high. Oldest rule in the book... buy low sell high. What do you think?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Excited About World Cup?

Front Page of the Daily Guide

Excited? Taking to the streets excited. Sorry no good pictures on that. After the Germany game a friend said, “what’s the point of them winning, they’re not even jubilating. Let us win at least we’d jubilate.” And they would. They keep predicting on the radio 2:0 Ghana USA. Hm. I doubt it. But all of Africa is behind them. I wish it could work out like the Ghana Germany game where we both go on but Ghana’s gonna have to earn this one.  

Friday, June 25, 2010

I am the Safety Kid

Be Safe! I find myself saying that a lot. Kind of weird. I feel old. There are so many “unsafe” things here that it would take a far better image collection than mine to fairly represent our daily adventures.  So I’m just picking one shot. Its kind of funny, but then its all fun and games until someone gets and eye poked out. Wear your seatbelt! (and safety glasses)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Burro Buddies

I thought I better do a blog on all my Burro Buddies.

 Ankrah you know about.

Nat is the route driver life of the party social glue that keeps this place together.

Cecelia is only known as Cecelia before 7:00am and after 5:00pm, otherwise she is known as Battery Girl (possessing all associated superpowers). She is Nats daughter.

Rose is the high powered, highly educated, newly promoted, Assistant Branch Manager.

Michael is our amiable and able accountant.

Thats it for the local full-time staff.